Friday, April 08, 2011

Tueller Drill - The 21-foot rule

When I started blogging several years ago I sent out some emails to the best bloggers in my niche asking for advice and assistance.  One of the most helpful of these folks was Nathan Teodoro, who was running the TDA Training Blog, far and away the best martial arts blog with the highest readership at that time.  Turns out that not only was Nathan the big dog of the martial blogosphere, but he is a nice, personable guy - easy to work with and a lot of help to me. (He may not be too comely, but he's got a great personality ;-)
Next week, Nathan is running a series on his blog on the famous Tueller Drill which resulted in the commonly-known 21-foot rule.  That is, Tueller and his cohorts found that a man with a knife could consistently advance about 21 feet and cut an officer before the officer would be able to draw his sidearm and fire.  Imagine that!  21 feet!  Get up and march that out so you can see the distance I'm talking about.  Let that sink in.  Check out the video intro at Nathan's blog.
That means that if you let an aggressor with a knife get within about 21 feet of you and you do not already have your weapon online and firing, that your sidearm is irrelevant.  You have been effectively disarmed!
Not only is Nathan running this series on his blog next week, but he has asked me to play along, and provide a guest post.  I'll be honored to present a guest post on my thoughts on The Tueller Drill and the 21-foot rule next Wednesday  I am definitely the least among giants with regard to the guest posters - you can also look for articles by TGace (author of The Things Worth Believing In) and Adam (of Low-Tech Combat fame)!
So, stay tuned here at Mokuren Dojo and definitely watch Nathan's TDA Training blog next week!

Patrick Parker
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