No, it's not a joke or a trick. We're hosting an Aiki Buddies Gathering on April Fool's Day weekend!
Unless someone comes up with a better topic, I'll be teaching on the following:
- Owaza Jupon as a void feeling - influencing uke by yielding instead of bridging weight into him.
- Koryu Dai Ichi - variations in timing, releases #1 and #2, and 2-hand grabs
The schedule will likely be something like this...
Friday, April 1
- 5:30-8:00 Owaza Jupon
- dinner somewhere TBA
Saturday, April 2
- 9:00-11:30 Koryu Dai Ichi
- 2:00-2:30 Shodan demo for Kel Feind
- 4:00-until Bar-B-Q at Kel's place
- Perhaps an evening class or perhaps a bonfire
The cost: zero dollars and no sense. (That way I know you'll get your monies worth!)
All the coolest aikidoka for hundreds of miles around will be Winning so Winning-ly that your minds won't be able to comprehend our Flaming Fists of Fury!