Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kubotan anecdote

Some years back, when I was in college, some friends and I got our hands on Tak Kubota's little black & orange police manual for the use of the Kubotan and we worked through it.
One of the suggested modes of use for the kubotan was as a flail - holding the body of the keychain and striking with the keys. The book showed using it to flail the attacker's extended wrist or at his face. We were skeptical (to say the least) as to whether or not you could create significant injury by flailing keys to the wrist of an assailent. I suspect something was said about "B.S." whatever that means.
Well, sometime later I was sitting around mulling over the question of kubotan effectiveness and I was absently tapping my keys against my wrist. Out of the blue, I tapped my radius bone a couple of inches above the base of the thumb and instantly numbed half my hand! It seriously hurt and I was only tapping.
So, I'll definately vouch for the potential viability of flailing keys at wrists, and definitely flailing at the face as a distractor for another techique or to give you time to flee.
Here's a kubaton very similar to the one I carried and worked out with throughout college (if anyone wants one).

Patrick Parker, is a Christian, husband, father, judo and aikido teacher, Program Director for a Cardiac Rehab, and a Ph.D. Contact: or phone 601.248.7282
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