Thursday, July 09, 2009

Core throws of Judo

Photo courtesy of Parrhessiastes
One of my favorite blogging topics in the last few years has been the idea of a core of throws in judo – that is, the idea that there is some handful of throws that are representative of and foundational to the rest of judo. If one could identify such a technical core, then it seems to me that core should be practiced more regularly than the rest of the judo techniques – as in every class or nearly every class.
Well, in my research and practice, I have identified nine throws that I consider to be the core of judo. For a while I have called this handful The Divine Nine at my dojo. Following are some good links to resource articles I've written over the years about the idea of a core of throws in judo, as well as articles about each of the individual throws in the Divine Nine core throws of judo.
The general idea...
  • Amazingly enough, I've written very little on ouchi - I'll have to set about fixing that...
Patrick Parker, is a Christian, husband, father, judo and aikido teacher, Program Director for a Cardiac Rehab, and a Ph.D. Contact: or phone 601.248.7282
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