Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rhadi Ferguson's Morotegari DVDs

Photo courtesy of Dr. Rhadi Ferguson
The other day I had the distinct pleasure and privilege of receiving a review copy of Rhadi Ferguson's instructional package titled, Ugly Judo 101; Morote Gari. I was very impressed with the whole package and would highly recommend it.
Dr. Ferguson is uniquely qualified to present this material because he is the Olympian who probably made better use of morotegari in his career than any other. Just do a search on YouTube for "Rhadi" and you'll find clips of him throwing a bunch of poor 100kg dudes into the rafters. You could probably rename this technique Rhadi-gari!
This package, consisting of two DVDs and two audio CDs, takes morotegari to a technical level far beyond the 'tackle' or even the double-leg takedown seen in BJJ and wrestling. But more than that, it expands upon Rhadi's previous instructionals by extending the theoretical range of his gripfighting material into what Tomiki sensei called hamarejudo, or separated judo. On the first DVD, Rhadi gives some good instructions on ma-ai (the time and space it takes for uke to touch tori). Rhadi uses morotegari as a means to threaten uke even well outside the normal grappling range, as well as describing ways to shorten the distance without the opponent realizing until it's too late.
The second DVD covers common counters to morotegari, including sumigaeshi and a slick teguruma. Also included on the second DVD is a set of exercises that competitors might want to use to develop the explosive strength and stamina to continually threaten the opponent with morotegari throughout the match.
The audio discs reiterate some of the theory behind no-touch judo (or hamarejudo) and how morotegari is a vital part of the hamarejudo technical domain. The audio CDs are actually so good that they have my mouth watering for Rhadi's more comprehensive Gripfighting packages, titled Grip Like a World Champion, and Underground Gripfighting Secrets, which I suspect delve into the hamarejudo concept in a much more comprehensive manner. They also suggest that Rhadi et al. will be doing a sequel (Ugly Judo 102) on kataguruma, which I am also excited to see.
I highly recommend Dr. Ferguson's Ugly Judo 101; Morote Gari as a superb instructional package for competitors as well as classical judo enthusiasts. The technical detail and the underlying theory are both deep and wide, and will provide you a valuable reference worthy of years of study. You can get these packages through his website,
Patrick Parker is a Christian, husband, father, martial arts teacher, Program Director for a Cardiac Rehab, and a Ph.D. Contact: or phone 601.248.7282
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