Sunday, October 25, 2009

My jodo tokuiwaza - suigetsu

In judo there is a concept known as tokuiwaza.  This is sort of a combination of your favorite technique and the technique that works the best for you most of the time.  Aikido does not seem to have the concept of tokuiwaza - the aikidoka is supposed to respond appropriately with aiki rather than manipulating the situation toward his favorite or most favorable technique.  I don't know if the tokuiwaza concept appears in jodo or not (I'm a lowly shodan in jodo)...
But I sure have a tokuiwaza.  It's called suigetsu.  The second of the seiteikata, the premise is simply that you step aside from a linear attack, use the stick to push yourself back off of the attacker, then either sweep his weapon, break his wrist, or strike his head.  I don't know what it is about this technique, but it appears to me to be the technical center of the jodo universe.  I just never get tired of playing with this technique.  It seems that I end up repping it at least a few times during every practice.  most of the time that I am walking around with a cane or a stick I end up playing this one on signs, doorframes, trees, etc...
Here is a video of me playing with suigetsu on my pell.

Patrick Parker is a Christian, husband, father, martial arts teacher, Program Director for a Cardiac Rehab, and a Ph.D. Contact: or phone 601.248.7282 木蓮
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