Sunday, November 01, 2009


Awesome private class tonight.  For a while now I've been avoiding subjecting my faithful readers to my training logs, but I felt like I should write this one down.  Tonight we reviewed the basic stuff - deashi and a bunch of combos including deashi-kosoto, deashi-osoto, deashi-hiza.  Then we got to the coolness - koshiguruma.
Koshiguruma has never been my thing, but recently James Wall gave me and Whit a good lesson, teaching Whit and reminding me how cool and useful it can be.  Tonight we worked on koshiguruma, emphasizing the guruma and the similarity between hizaguruma, ashiguruma, and koshiguruma.  It's got me excited about the gurumas again!
Patrick Parker is a Christian, husband, father, martial arts teacher, Program Director for a Cardiac Rehab, and a Ph.D. Contact: or phone 601.248.7282 木蓮
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