Thursday, January 31, 2008

Randori night at aikido

Aiki with Kel
  • Tegatana - no particular emphasis. Just repetition.
  • Hanasu - emphasis on getting both tori and uke that smoothe, flowing release feeling. Uke doesn't want to stop becuse then he eats all the momentum and mechanical advantage tori has built up. Instead, the smart uke attempts to flow to diffuse the problems tori presents. This way both uke and tori are active learners.
  • Chain #2 working on the sharp turn, shomenate, and wakigatame
  • Randori - and a goodly amount of it at that.
  • Aiki-handshake as the cool technique of the night.
  • We also had a lovely discussion of PNF in aikido, hyperactive reflexes, and these wonders at the ends of our legs that are our feet!


  1. Sounds like agood class. When you say randori, does the attacker, allow a certain amount of resistence to the defenders techniques?

  2. The kind of aiki randori that we do most often is pretty much 'anything goes' with both partners attacking and defending at the same time - i.e. no predefined attacker and defender. A certain amount of resistance is inevitable, though that is against the ideal of aikido. To keep it safe we go slow and tap early. ends up looking like taiji push hands with both partners shifting their feet constantly instead of being rooted.

  3. To me, randori is like slow motion dancing without the music

  4. I've heard it said of boxing that it's a lot like dancing except the partners hit each other a lot. I suppose that goes for aikido and especially hand randori - it's a lot like slow dancing but the partners fall down a lot.


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