Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Translating between Tomiki and Hombu names

For whatever reason, when Kenji Tomiki put together his system for teaching aikido he called things by different names than did the folks that were to become Hombu/Aikikai. So, in a spirit of fostering some useful discussion between folks of different traditions, here is a super-short course on terminology. There is a set of seven techniques, or tpes of techniques, in Hombu that some instructors refer to as the "Pillars of Aikido." They are, with their Tomiki equivalents, as follows:
  1. kotegaeshi = same in Tomiki
  2. shihonage = same in Tomiki
  3. ikkyo = oshi taoshi
  4. sankyo = kote hineri
  5. nikyo = kote mawashi
  6. yonkyo = tekubi osae
  7. gokyo = waki gatame
The first four are pretty easy to figure out because they occur early in both the Tomiki and the Hombu teaching sequences. Nikyo and yonkyo are harder to find in Tomiki until one gets into the Koryu no Kata, typically after black belt level. Although waki gatame appears early in the Tomiki system, it isn't until much later that we see it in a form that appears equivalent to the gokyo seen most often at Hombu classes.


  1. Some Tomiki-derived/based schools call "shiho nage" "tenkai kote gaeshi."

  2. Sorry, wasn't sure how to post a signature.

    J. Slade

  3. Me again; I think some aikido systems call "waki-gatame" "hiji-kime," or "rokyu."

    J. Slade


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