Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nothing ever works

Folks are always moaning about how aikido doesn't work.  Well, let me tell you a secret... Real aikido folks already know that!  See, we know that aikido does not work, because nothing ever works.
I dare you to show me a move from karate or kravmaga or any other super-awesome martial science that always just works.  It would be worth a lot of good money to study your one super-cool thing that has no pre-suppositions or assumptions, and just plain works regardless of the context!
But saying "aikido doesn't work" is not the same thing as saying "aikido sucks."  Aikido is amazingly practical and efficient as a self-defense (among other things).  It just doesn't work - at least, not like you think it should.
Nobody can make it work.  You can't just go out and aikido someone to death.  Even the greatest aikido masters can't just choose the cool technique that they want to use to exert their will upon the bad guy.  Aikido does work, but in its own time and on its own terms.
What really takes a while is learning to trust that the way that aikido works is okay.  The first step on that path is realizing that there is no magical samurai technology that just plain works.  There are no sure things.
Patrick Parker
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