Friday, August 31, 2007

Promote Three more

This month's Promote Three Meme is an homage to three of the blogs that got me interested in blogging and helped to set me on this path. Somehow, through some strange twist of fate, I've ended up high enough to link these guys in a Promote Three. If you're not familiar with Promote Three, here are the rules.
I think the following blogs deserve honors, traffic, and link-love greater than they are getting:
Fist in the Frost - for an interesting training diary of a guy in one of my favorite Korean martial arts - Tangsoodo. Extra ponts for the groovy, stylish martial arts uniform!
Uchi Deshi - for showing us what it is like to be a live-in student in a traditional aikido dojo in California. This guy is inspiring because of his ability to balance life and martial arts. He also posts beautiful pictures and fascinating no-holds barred training stories.
Mad Moravian - for a training diary of a guy who does a very similar form of aikido to what I do. This guy's teacher is a great guy and a great martial artist and a good friend of mine. I enjoy reading this blog because I get to see some glimpses at the training of some buddies that I almost never get to see anymore. He's also into sci-fi and does movie reviews on his blog. Check it out.

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